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Tak at to nedopadne jak sestrih Watchmenu s pribehem toho pirata, ktery to hrozne narusoval...

Kazdopadne ten proslov byl ve vetsine traileru a dost mi tam chybel...
Tak at to nedopadne jak sestrih Watchmenu s pribehem toho pirata, ktery to hrozne narusoval... Kazdopadne ten proslov byl ve vetsine traileru a dost mi tam chybel...
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Režisér tiež povedal, že po vydaní druhého filmu na nosičoch, chce obe filmy spojiť do jedného pričom by sa prelínala minulosť s prítomnosťou ako aj v knihe. To sú dosť odvážne tvrdenia , ale budem veriť, že druhý film sa mu podarí natočiť tak aby naplnil jeho víziu a aj naše očakávania. :) 
Režisér tiež povedal, že po vydaní druhého filmu na nosičoch, chce obe filmy spojiť do jedného pričom by sa prelínala minulosť s prítomnosťou ako aj v knihe. To sú dosť odvážne tvrdenia , ale budem veriť, že druhý film sa mu podarí natočiť tak aby naplnil jeho víziu a aj naše očakávania. *:)* 
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TO dostane Director´s Cut na DVD/Blu-ray

Režisér prezradil, že na nosičoch bude okrem kinoverzie aj režisérska verzia, dlhšia o cca. 15 minút. Bude tam napr. dlhšia scéna v lome, Stanov príhovor na Bar micva, atď. 
Režisér prezradil, že na nosičoch bude okrem kinoverzie aj režisérska verzia, dlhšia o cca. 15 minút. Bude tam napr. dlhšia scéna v lome, Stanov príhovor na Bar micva, atď. 
TO dostane Director´s Cut na DVD/Blu-ray
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Prepredaje lístkov

"IT presales are well ahead of where Doctor Strange was at the same point in time before release" 
Len pre info, Doctor Strange dal za prvý víkend 85 mil.
"IT presales are well ahead of where Doctor Strange was at the same point in time before release"  Len pre info, Doctor Strange dal za prvý víkend 85 mil.
Prepredaje lístkov
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Ešte pár ohlasov

Už vážne končím, ale ešte pár ohlasov, ktoré sú fakt spokojné:
"An enormous success. It's an A+ prestige film that's sure to make its mark in horror history"
"IT made me cry. It's funny, moving, and of course scary. "
"Effectively scary & faithful adaptation"
"One of the finest Stephen King adaptations ever made"
"IT is creepy, bloody, super funny, adorably romantic and hands down among my favorite movies of the year"
"All of those box office estimates you've been seeing? Way too low in my opinion. This thing is going to be a MONSTER hit."
Už vážne končím, ale ešte pár ohlasov, ktoré sú fakt spokojné: "An enormous success. It's an A+ prestige film that's sure to make its mark in horror history" "IT made me cry. It's funny, moving, and of course scary. " "Effectively scary & faithful adaptation" "One of the finest Stephen King adaptations ever made" "IT is creepy, bloody, super funny, adorably romantic and hands down among my favorite movies of the year" "All of those box office estimates you've been seeing? Way too low in my opinion. This thing is going to be a MONSTER hit."
Ešte pár ohlasov
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Embargo na sociálnych sieťach skončilo, embargo na recenzie končí 5.9.
Embargo na sociálnych sieťach skončilo, embargo na recenzie končí 5.9.
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Druhá dávka ohlasov

"Thrilled I can now say that IT is spectacular. Totally terrifying, but also amazing fun"
"Great cast, surprisingly funny, and genuinely unnerving scares."
"IT was terrifying and hilarious and delightful"
"LOVED IT.  Captured the spirit of the book & still created something new. Perfect combo of dark & fun."
"#IT definitely captures frights of the novel whilst adding a new fears."
"I love the #ITMovie. It's everything I wanted. Scary as shit, Skarsgard nails Pennywise, and the Losers are perfection."
"#ITMovie is everything I hoped for & more. Has heart, laughs & TONS of incredible scares. Fell in love w/ The Losers. Didn't want it to end."
"Loud, scary, funny. And best of all: it has heart."
"Bill Skarsgard is putting in a performance that is going to turn him into the Freddy Krueger of a new generation. "
"Saw IT and loved it."
"Just saw IT. Really well done. "
"New adaptation is more fun, frightening and familiar than you think."
"Wow! Incredible!"
"Kids are great. BSkars is great. Also, surprisingly, it's pretty dang funny."
"Thrilled I can now say that IT is spectacular. Totally terrifying, but also amazing fun" "Great cast, surprisingly funny, and genuinely unnerving scares." "IT was terrifying and hilarious and delightful" "LOVED IT.  Captured the spirit of the book & still created something new. Perfect combo of dark & fun." "[url=https://twitter.com/hashtag/IT?src=hash]#IT[/url] definitely captures frights of the novel whilst adding a new fears." "I love the [url=https://twitter.com/hashtag/ITMovie?src=hash]#ITMovie[/url]. It's everything I wanted. Scary as shit, Skarsgard nails Pennywise, and the Losers are perfection." "[url=https://twitter.com/hashtag/ITMovie?src=hash]#ITMovie[/url] is everything I hoped for & more. Has heart, laughs & TONS of incredible scares. Fell in love w/ The Losers. Didn't want it to end." "Loud, scary, funny. And best of all: it has heart." "Bill Skarsgard is putting in a performance that is going to turn him into the Freddy Krueger of a new generation. " "Saw IT and loved it." "Just saw IT. Really well done. " "New adaptation is more fun, frightening and familiar than you think." "Wow! Incredible!" "Kids are great. BSkars is great. Also, surprisingly, it's pretty dang funny."
Druhá dávka ohlasov
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Pockam si na oficialku, toto jsou takove ty vykriky, ktere byly uz u spousty filmu. Ale v toho Pennyho verim a doufam, ze se Bill vysvihne do ackovejsi sfery.
Pockam si na oficialku, toto jsou takove ty vykriky, ktere byly uz u spousty filmu. Ale v toho Pennyho verim a doufam, ze se Bill vysvihne do ackovejsi sfery.
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Prvé ohlasy

"I’m inclined to call this the best onscreen horror adaptation since 1990’s Misery!" 
"One of the best horror movies of the past 5 years." 
"Bill Skarsgard is phenomenal as 
Pennywise, putting Tim Curry’s version to shame" 
"I actually couldn't fall asleep last night because of Bill's Pennywise, it really scared the hell out of me." 
"Bill Skarsgard is the best fucking Pennywise we've had" 
"Oh yes, the gore is definitely there. Haha" 
"Sticking closer to the source material is definitely one of the films reasons why it works so well" 
"I’m inclined to call this the best onscreen horror adaptation since 1990’s Misery!"  "One of the best horror movies of the past 5 years."  "Bill Skarsgard is phenomenal as  Pennywise, putting Tim Curry’s version to shame"  "I actually couldn't fall asleep last night because of Bill's Pennywise, it really scared the hell out of me."  "Bill Skarsgard is the best fucking Pennywise we've had"  "Oh yes, the gore is definitely there. Haha"  "Sticking closer to the source material is definitely one of the films reasons why it works so well" 
Prvé ohlasy
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Čím víc fotek a videí vychází, tím lepší pocit z toho mám. Lepší casting na hlavní hrdiny si nedokážu představit. Jen Seth Green byl prostě lepší Richie.
Čím víc fotek a videí vychází, tím lepší pocit z toho mám. Lepší casting na hlavní hrdiny si nedokážu představit. Jen Seth Green byl prostě lepší Richie.
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Odpočet do zverejnenia tu
Odpočet do zverejnenia [link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJir_Z9uqKo"]tu[/link]
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Trailer bude už zajtra okolo obeda... We All Float Down Here
Trailer Trailer bude už zajtra okolo obeda... [link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pM6fpSUJ64"]We All Float Down Here[/link]
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