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Diskuze k filmu Interstellar

příspěvky 161 - 180 Napsat příspěvek
Alright, alright, alright!:+
Alright, alright, alright!*:+*
1 0
ja jsem spokojeny, bootlegy mam rad, jsou vetsinou atmosferictejsi nez HDcko, takze u me za 4,5*.
ja jsem spokojeny, bootlegy mam rad, jsou vetsinou atmosferictejsi nez HDcko, takze u me za 4,5*.
1 0
Nuž hej, zase je to len taký úvod "máme na Zemi problém, tak musíme letieť do vesmíru a opustiť preto svojich najbližších", ale atmosféra parádna a herci si to dávajú.
Nuž hej, zase je to len taký úvod "máme na Zemi problém, tak musíme letieť do vesmíru a opustiť preto svojich najbližších", ale atmosféra parádna a herci si to dávajú.
1 0
Takže ani trailer neukáže z filmu skoro nič. Tu bude asi veľa ľudí sklamaných. :)
Takže ani trailer neukáže z filmu skoro nič. Tu bude asi veľa ľudí sklamaných. *:)*
1 0
Kdyby chtěl někdo bootleg traileru ve francouzštině: link
Kdyby chtěl někdo bootleg traileru ve francouzštině: http://mega.co.nz/#!PhBRQRTR!U1xV_tvSTsPGUOFIBuoGsSpxe3RNv_Q42zIfvMr3wLA
1 0
Speedy: Jo, matika ti jde lépe. :)
Speedy: Jo, matika ti jde lépe. :)
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V 7 večer našeho času podle twitteru a pokud dobře počítám.
V 7 večer našeho času podle twitteru a pokud dobře počítám.
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Vypadá to, že trailer bude online tenhle pátek v 18:00.

Whyte: Ano.
Vypadá to, že trailer bude online tenhle pátek v 18:00. Whyte: Ano.
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Nečetl tady někdo ten původní scénář?
Nečetl tady někdo ten původní scénář?
1 0

Nový plakát

Nový plakát
1 0

Popis traileru z Nolan Fans:

Coop walks into an office with David Oyelowo or Gyasi (I'm racist, sue me) and someone else
A little late Coop… - David
(Ran into some trouble? Had a blast? IDK) - Coop
Cut to Coop racing through corn fields in his pickup truck with his two kids... there is a drone chasing them or they are chasing it.
Indian surveillance drones… solar cells power an entire farm... - Coop
What did ya do Murph? – the kid from Homeland
Ah she didn’t do nothing. – Coop
Murphy’s Law! - Homeland kid
Cut back to the office
You’re a well educated man, Coop. And a trained pilot. - David
And an engineer – Coop
The world doesn’t need anymore engineers – David
We didn’t run out of planes and television sets… we ran out of food – David
--- through this preceding part, there are interspersed shots of burning cornfields with Chastain and a bearded Affleck looking on (in different shots),
Title/Director card
Murph and Coop standing by the pickup truck...
Dad, why did you name me after something that’s bad? – Murph
Well, we didn’t. – Coop
Murphy’s Law? – Murph
Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean something bad will happen… it means that whatever CAN happen, will happen. – Coop
Cut to baseball game/massive dust cloud shot
cut to Professor Michael Caine and Coop walking by the massive construction/maintenance of what are probably space ships or something.
We must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us – Caine
Now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world – Coop
You’re not meant to save the world. You’re meant to lead it. – Caine
… this is the mission people train for - Caine
I got kids, Professor - Coop
Get out there and save them. - Caine
Cut to tearful Murph in their house.
(How will I know you’re)? Coming back?
I’m coming back… - Coop
(after this point, it was all a blur and I can't remember most of what was on the screen)
Blasting off into space, Coop in the ship, space imagery, two of the astronauts submerging in some tank (cyro freeze? idk)
We must reach far beyond (…) - Caine
(other stuff) - Caine
Space imagery, the ship zipping through a worm hole (cl
Murph, I love you, forever. - Coop
I’m coming back. - Coop
Coop walks into an office with David Oyelowo or Gyasi (I'm racist, sue me) and someone else A little late Coop… - David (Ran into some trouble? Had a blast? IDK) - Coop Cut to Coop racing through corn fields in his pickup truck with his two kids... there is a drone chasing them or they are chasing it. Indian surveillance drones… solar cells power an entire farm... - Coop What did ya do Murph? – the kid from Homeland Ah she didn’t do nothing. – Coop Murphy’s Law! - Homeland kid Cut back to the office You’re a well educated man, Coop. And a trained pilot. - David And an engineer – Coop The world doesn’t need anymore engineers – David We didn’t run out of planes and television sets… we ran out of food – David --- through this preceding part, there are interspersed shots of burning cornfields with Chastain and a bearded Affleck looking on (in different shots), Title/Director card Murph and Coop standing by the pickup truck... Dad, why did you name me after something that’s bad? – Murph Well, we didn’t. – Coop Murphy’s Law? – Murph Murphy’s Law doesn’t mean something bad will happen… it means that whatever CAN happen, will happen. – Coop Cut to baseball game/massive dust cloud shot cut to Professor Michael Caine and Coop walking by the massive construction/maintenance of what are probably space ships or something. We must confront the reality that nothing in our solar system can help us – Caine Now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world – Coop You’re not meant to save the world. You’re meant to lead it. – Caine … this is the mission people train for - Caine I got kids, Professor - Coop Get out there and save them. - Caine Cut to tearful Murph in their house. (How will I know you’re)? Coming back? I’m coming back… - Coop (after this point, it was all a blur and I can't remember most of what was on the screen) Blasting off into space, Coop in the ship, space imagery, two of the astronauts submerging in some tank (cyro freeze? idk) We must reach far beyond (…) - Caine (other stuff) - Caine Space imagery, the ship zipping through a worm hole (cl Murph, I love you, forever. - Coop I’m coming back. - Coop end
Popis traileru z Nolan Fans:
1 0


The Joker
26.04.2014 15:28:53
Nový trailer s Godzillou.
The Joker 26.04.2014 15:28:53 Nový trailer s Godzillou.
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trailer s novou godzillou
trailer s novou godzillou
1 0
Tak US verze traileru je ještě delší než ta UK - 174 sekund!!
Tak US verze traileru je ještě delší než ta UK - 174 sekund!!
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doprd*** ten song z teaseru je neskutečně atmosferickej.doufam že ho do filmu zařadí .. Zimmer fakt vládne
doprd*** ten song z teaseru je neskutečně atmosferickej.doufam že ho do filmu zařadí .. Zimmer fakt vládne
1 0

The Joker

a kdy vyjde ? už se to ví ?
a kdy vyjde ? už se to ví ?
The Joker
1 0
Trailer má 144 sekund.
Trailer má 144 sekund.
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Zopár fotiek z natáčania link link link
Zopár fotiek z natáčania http://i.imgur.com/5KrEkof.jpg http://distilleryimage7.s3.amazonaws.com/d3f7662c166a11e385e022000a9e51fb_7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AvQHZ0n.jpg
1 0
Nový trailer s Godzillou.
Nový trailer s Godzillou.
1 0


Ne, není
Ne, není
1 0
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