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Diskuze k filmu Interstellar

příspěvky 141 - 160 Napsat příspěvek
Trailer zítra v 19:00.

"#Interstellar #trailer Online debut on the film’s official website at 10:00AM PDT/1:00 PM EDT #jupiterascending delayed until further notice"
Trailer zítra v 19:00. "#Interstellar #trailer Online debut on the film’s official website at 10:00AM PDT/1:00 PM EDT #jupiterascending delayed until further notice"
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Tu je celý panel link
Tu je celý panel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfWOhpaiNv4
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Ten istý link ako som tu hodil ja o pár príspevkov nižšie :D:D:D

Anyway... nový trailer bude online v stredu.
Ten istý link ako som tu hodil ja o pár príspevkov nižšie *:D**:D**:D* Anyway... nový trailer bude online v stredu.
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Kus videa, bohužel ne ten, kde mluví o filmu. link
Kus videa, bohužel ne ten, kde mluví o filmu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxkew6dgC5g
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Doufám, že samorný panel se objeví co nevidět...
Doufám, že samorný panel se objeví co nevidět...
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"Nolan to neposere a bude to naprosto prelomovej film..." link
"Nolan to neposere a bude to naprosto prelomovej film..." http://memeorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/thank-you-captain-obvious.png
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Hype pokracuje

" At first, he spent his panel time saying a lot but revealing precious little about his sci-fi space adventure; the only little teases came when he mentioned wormholes and said that McConaughey's shuttle pilot leads an expedition "not just through this solar system, not just through this galaxy, but into a whole other galaxy." :o:o:o

The thing about the new trailer is, we actually get to see what happens. :o:o:o:o:o:o

Dal uz jenom na vlastni riziko, kdo vi kdy ten trailer bude dostupnej, Paramount prej hodne hodne hrozil ohledne uniku

Plenty of time is spent on their ship — I think I spied Hathaway getting romantic with her costar David Gyasi, possibly a precursor to joining the outer-space equivalent of the mile high club — but the wormhole the astronauts travel through takes them to a formidable ice planet, once full of the water and chill that Earth is so sorely lacking. As Hathaway thrashes around in this extraterrestrial ocean, and McConaughey makes pixellated video contact with someone mysterious (could it be the daughter he left behind?), we hear McConaughey ponder, "We'll find a way. We always have."

Ano, vyhypovanej jak blazen, tesim se neskutecne. Nolan to neposere a bude to naprosto prelomovej film...
" At first, he spent his panel time saying a lot but revealing precious little about his sci-fi space adventure; the only little teases came when he mentioned wormholes and said that McConaughey's shuttle pilot leads an expedition "not just through this solar system, not just through this galaxy, but into a whole other galaxy." *:o**:o**:o* The thing about the new trailer is, we actually get to see what happens. *:o**:o**:o**:o**:o**:o* Dal uz jenom na vlastni riziko, kdo vi kdy ten trailer bude dostupnej, Paramount prej hodne hodne hrozil ohledne uniku [spoiler]Plenty of time is spent on their ship — I think I spied Hathaway getting romantic with her costar David Gyasi, possibly a precursor to joining the outer-space equivalent of the mile high club — but the wormhole the astronauts travel through takes them to a formidable ice planet, once full of the water and chill that Earth is so sorely lacking. As Hathaway thrashes around in this extraterrestrial ocean, and McConaughey makes pixellated video contact with someone mysterious (could it be the daughter he left behind?), we hear McConaughey ponder, "We'll find a way. We always have."[/spoiler] Ano, vyhypovanej jak blazen, tesim se neskutecne. Nolan to neposere a bude to naprosto prelomovej film...
Hype pokracuje
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Stripky z Interstellar panelu...

"Nolan showed the very first trailer for Interstellar. Much like Nolan’s Inception, which was too complicated to describe in a sound bite, the trailer basically showed enough footage to convince you that you are going to want to see this when it opens in November"

"Basically, the trailer established that the world needs saving and that it’s down to McConaughey. A widowed and haggard father of two, he is loathe to leave behind his children but finds himself on what seems to be a space mission, though you get the clear impression time travel is part of this mix."

"The new trailer won’t be released immediately. It was preceded by a brief teaser that set the stakes by displaying archival footage of JFK discussing the importance of forward progress into space."

"Though only a trailer, it was ambitious and seemed important. Presenting the trailer that was by far the best thing about Paramount’s Hall H presentation today"

Mnoch... 8)
"Nolan showed the very first trailer for Interstellar. Much like Nolan’s Inception, which was too complicated to describe in a sound bite, the trailer basically showed enough footage to convince you that you are going to want to see this when it opens in November" "Basically, the trailer established that the world needs saving and that it’s down to McConaughey. A widowed and haggard father of two, he is loathe to leave behind his children but finds himself on what seems to be a space mission, though you get the clear impression time travel is part of this mix." "The new trailer won’t be released immediately. It was preceded by a brief teaser that set the stakes by displaying archival footage of JFK discussing the importance of forward progress into space." "Though only a trailer, it was ambitious and seemed important. Presenting the trailer that was by far the best thing about Paramount’s Hall H presentation today" Mnoch... *8)*
Stripky z Interstellar panelu...
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Nolan na Comic-Cone link
Nolan na Comic-Cone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxkew6dgC5g
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To je len obrana proti úniku informácií. Kostým je pod tým.
To je len obrana proti úniku informácií. Kostým je pod tým.
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Je to uplně jasný, to jsou mimozemský montérky.
Je to uplně jasný, to jsou mimozemský montérky.
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Nemůžu se rozhodnout, jestli to sou montérky nebo mimozemská róba :D
http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/headlines/2013/10/anne-hathaway-matthew-mcconaughey-blue-robes-for-interstellar.jpg Nemůžu se rozhodnout, jestli to sou montérky nebo mimozemská róba *:D*
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Toto mi teda ušlo. Matthew o práci s Nolanom: "There’s no fucking around on set." :D link
Toto mi teda ušlo. Matthew o práci s Nolanom: "There’s no fucking around on set." *:D* http://variety.com/2014/film/news/matthew-mcconaugheys-independent-streak-1201104820/
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Ty záběry v raketoplánu mají neskutečný feeling! Těším se moc! Navíc od původního scénáře Nolan očividně víc tlačí na postavy za což velký dík! :+
Ty záběry v raketoplánu mají neskutečný feeling! Těším se moc! Navíc od původního scénáře Nolan očividně víc tlačí na postavy za což velký dík! *:+*
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Zatím trailer roku. Jen McConaughey už trochu moc tlačí na ten přízvuk ?):+
Zatím trailer roku. Jen McConaughey už trochu moc tlačí na ten přízvuk *?)**:+*
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trailer ma vic emoci, jak vsechny Nolanovy filmy predtim dohromady :D:+
trailer ma vic emoci, jak vsechny Nolanovy filmy predtim dohromady *:D**:+*
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Moc pěkně sestříhaný úvod filmu. Za ten střih v nejlepším bych vraždil:D
Moc pěkně sestříhaný úvod filmu. Za ten střih v nejlepším bych vraždil*:D*
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Let the fucking hype begin! link
Let the fucking hype begin! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSWdZVtXT7E
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Na tej "lepšej atmosfére" bootlegov niečo bude. Možno je to tým, že stále majú ten "opar tajomna" a vecí "iba tušených". :D
Na tej "lepšej atmosfére" bootlegov niečo bude. Možno je to tým, že stále majú ten "opar tajomna" a vecí "iba tušených". *:D*
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