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Diskuze k filmu Temný rytíř

příspěvky 281 - 300 Napsat příspěvek


tentokrat to na IMAX u nas nevypada viz link :-:-
tentokrat to na IMAX u nas nevypada viz http://www.imax.com/ImaxWeb/comingSoonMovieTheater.do?movieID=code__.__448&displayComingSoonMovieTheater=true#INTERNATIONAL *:-**:-*
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Ten klip je perfektní. Tedy, aspoň do půlky. Pak jsem ho totiž vypnul a až do premiéry Temného rytíře si spolu s dark-knightem dávám bat-hladovku.
Ten klip je perfektní. Tedy, aspoň do půlky. Pak jsem ho totiž vypnul a až do premiéry Temného rytíře si spolu s dark-knightem dávám bat-hladovku.
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Akosi ho ani nechcem vidiet. Uz ziadne klipy ani spoty. Ja chcem kvalitny produkt vidiet v kine. :)
Akosi ho ani nechcem vidiet. Uz ziadne klipy ani spoty. Ja chcem kvalitny produkt vidiet v kine. *:)*
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Klip je najs najs najs!!!:+
Klip je najs najs najs!!!*:+*
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[link="http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2008/07/11/dark-knight-exclusive-clip/"]Nový klip[/link] [link="http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=X_PIPnCf5J0"]MTV First Look: Part 1[/link] [link="http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=WU6HT5AoOGk"]MTV First Look: Part 2[/link]
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[link="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfOb1-S_Dm8"]TV spot #16[/link]
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No ak tretieho Batmana budú točiť v Bollywoode... :D
No ak tretieho Batmana budú točiť v Bollywoode... *:D*
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Říkají mi Batman
a ty seš zase Dead man
Na*ral si mě hochu vážně moc
tobě nepomůže volat o pomoc
oujeeeeeee teď zemřeš
oujeeeeeee jsi mrtvej
Říkají mi Batman a ty seš zase Dead man Na*ral si mě hochu vážně moc tobě nepomůže volat o pomoc oujeeeeeee teď zemřeš oujeeeeeee jsi mrtvej
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rcorp: To je "protimluv". Muzikál je totiž odvodený od slova "muzika". :D
rcorp: To je "protimluv". Muzikál je totiž odvodený od slova "muzika". *:D*
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ja by som v trojke rad uvidel Mr. Freeza, ale mozem snivat dalej .D
ja by som v trojke rad uvidel Mr. Freeza, ale mozem snivat dalej .D
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Trojka bude muzikál. Hiphopový.
Trojka bude muzikál. Hiphopový.
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Tie recenzie, ktoré to prirovnávajú k špičkovým kriminálnym drámam ako Heat či Untouchables a hovoria o Nolanovom majstrštyku, sú... zabijácke. 8)

Trojka bude potom zákonite blbosť. Bale tam bude tancovať po ulici, mrkať na ženy a tasiť na ne imaginárne bat-colty. :D

Tie recenzie, ktoré to prirovnávajú k špičkovým kriminálnym drámam ako Heat či Untouchables a hovoria o Nolanovom majstrštyku, sú... zabijácke. *8)* Trojka bude potom zákonite blbosť. Bale tam bude tancovať po ulici, mrkať na ženy a tasiť na ne imaginárne bat-colty. *:D*
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Tak v tom pripade nedavna fotka nebyla fake.
Tak v tom pripade nedavna fotka nebyla fake.
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The Joker

The Terminator theme starts, with the duh duh,
duh, duh, duh.
vy mě zničíte.nemužu se přestat smát. duh duh :-D
The Terminator theme starts, with the duh duh, duh, duh, duh. vy mě zničíte.nemužu se přestat smát. duh duh :-D
The Joker
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Souhlasím taky se mi to líbí :+
Souhlasím taky se mi to líbí *:+*
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Díky,vypadá to dobře.
Díky,vypadá to dobře.
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Prosim, nedavajte sem tie fotky, poslite mu sukromnu spravu :D
Prosim, nedavajte sem tie fotky, poslite mu sukromnu spravu *:D*
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A kde jsou ty fotky Two-Face?
A kde jsou ty fotky Two-Face?
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T4 teaser description:

It opens with footage of people out in every day life. Christian Bale voiceovers
something like:

"I always knew it would happen"...

Than a pause...

"They told me I could stop it."

The same people begin looking to the sky....

"That I could save us".

Looks of horror come across their faces as he says,

"They were wrong".

Music rises as we cut to black for a second. The Terminator theme starts, with the duh duh,
duh, duh, duh.

NEXT SUMMER appears on the screen...

We get a quick shot looking out over a sunny desert, and then a shot of Bale, in badass commando uniform
and very recognizably the same guy who plays Batman, being lowered into a huge bunker
of weapons.


rolls across, and we get mixed clips from inside one of the survivor bunkers as seen in Terminator 1 - but they look more concentration campish; very crowded, shots of Bale walking with a large crowd. And then the word...


The music quickly rises as we get shot of a huge truck racing down a high way, a shot or two of a helicopter flying mixed with more close ups of the actors when Bale whispers, "They're coming".

It all goes quiet.

Massive drums blare the beginning of the theme (again) but this time much louder, more pumped up, as we get a metallic silver T that morphs into a 4.

We then get the big money shot of the trailer. Its Bale on a motorcycle with some girl on the back.
They speed through a door of what looks like a warehouse toward us. As soon as they
pass the screen, a huge terminator on wheels, a lot like the one they battle in the
first one, smashes through the wall, chasing them. It looks awesome.

It then says:

Memorial Day 2009.
It opens with footage of people out in every day life. Christian Bale voiceovers something like: "I always knew it would happen"... Than a pause... "They told me I could stop it." The same people begin looking to the sky.... "That I could save us". Looks of horror come across their faces as he says, "They were wrong". Music rises as we cut to black for a second. The Terminator theme starts, with the duh duh, duh, duh, duh. NEXT SUMMER appears on the screen... We get a quick shot looking out over a sunny desert, and then a shot of Bale, in badass commando uniform and very recognizably the same guy who plays Batman, being lowered into a huge bunker of weapons. THE FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE rolls across, and we get mixed clips from inside one of the survivor bunkers as seen in Terminator 1 - but they look more concentration campish; very crowded, shots of Bale walking with a large crowd. And then the word... BEGINS. The music quickly rises as we get shot of a huge truck racing down a high way, a shot or two of a helicopter flying mixed with more close ups of the actors when Bale whispers, "They're coming". It all goes quiet. Massive drums blare the beginning of the theme (again) but this time much louder, more pumped up, as we get a metallic silver T that morphs into a 4. We then get the big money shot of the trailer. Its Bale on a motorcycle with some girl on the back. They speed through a door of what looks like a warehouse toward us. As soon as they pass the screen, a huge terminator on wheels, a lot like the one they battle in the first one, smashes through the wall, chasing them. It looks awesome. It then says: Memorial Day 2009.
T4 teaser description:
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