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Diskuze k filmu Warcraft: První střet

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Jako absolutní neznalec knižní ani herní předlohy se mi tento film celkem zamlouvá, film se ale hroznou rychlostí pohybuje dopředu, někdy jsem se i v příběhu ztrácela, po vizuální stránce byl ale ohromný, bylo by vážně něco vidět tohle na velkém plátně.

Jako absolutní neznalec knižní ani herní předlohy se mi tento film celkem zamlouvá, film se ale hroznou rychlostí pohybuje dopředu, někdy jsem se i v příběhu ztrácela, po vizuální stránce byl ale ohromný, bylo by vážně něco vidět tohle na velkém plátně.
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Z tech recenzi to vypada, ze jsme dostali PRESNE to, co trailery slibovaly...
Z tech recenzi to vypada, ze jsme dostali PRESNE to, co trailery slibovaly...
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Pav.Pet> Akurat, ze to moze znamenat ze to v recenzii v podstate zdrbe a da tomu 50 - 60 percent s tym, ze vysledok je fajn.
[b]Pav.Pet>[/b] Akurat, ze to moze znamenat ze to v recenzii v podstate zdrbe a da tomu 50 - 60 percent s tym, ze vysledok je fajn.
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Fuka to v posledních palcích chválil (myslím že řekl něco ve smyslu že Warcraft je překvapivě celkem fajn i pro nehráče), naděje umíra poslední
Fuka to v posledních palcích chválil (myslím že řekl něco ve smyslu že Warcraft je překvapivě celkem fajn i pro nehráče), naděje umíra poslední
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Zacitujme si i světlou stranu, shall we? :)

"While the enormity of the undertaking is evident in every frame of the sci-fi medieval-ish action saga, director Duncan Jones manages, for the most part, to keep it from lumbering. With an emphasis on craft over war, the characters are front and center, and those that are partly digital creations are among its most memorable. They have heart."

"The balance between those sequences and the battles, with their brutal swordplay and thwacks of flesh and bone, won’t suit everyone, and the sections where you might zone out will depend on your taste. But the movie is character-driven every step of the way. That’s why, even if the world created by Jones and his talented design collaborators, both old-school physical and cutting-edge digital, isn’t seamlessly believable so much as staggeringly crafted, it casts a spell."

Zacitujme si i světlou stranu, shall we? *:)* [b]THR[/b] "While the enormity of the undertaking is evident in every frame of the sci-fi medieval-ish action saga, director Duncan Jones manages, for the most part, to keep it from lumbering. With an emphasis on craft over war, the characters are front and center, and those that are partly digital creations are among its most memorable. They have heart." "The balance between those sequences and the battles, with their brutal swordplay and thwacks of flesh and bone, won’t suit everyone, and the sections where you might zone out will depend on your taste. But the movie is character-driven every step of the way. That’s why, even if the world created by Jones and his talented design collaborators, both old-school physical and cutting-edge digital, isn’t seamlessly believable so much as staggeringly crafted, it casts a spell."
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Ojojoj. :D
Ojojoj. *:D*
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Recenze videoherniho SJW Kotaku to taky trha: "Rather than tapping into the goofy core that makes a game like World of Warcraft interesting, the Warcraft movie aims for grittiness, missing the mark quite a bit. It just doesn’t work. The lore is too campy. This is a world where a mage’s most popular spell transforms his enemies into sheep, yet Warcraft acts as if it’s a green-screen version of Game of Thrones. At my theater, the biggest laughs came not from the occasional bouts of slapstick comedy but from the miserable archmages of Dalaran, whose CGI-enhanced eyes look especially absurd when you’re supposed to take them seriously."
Recenze videoherniho SJW Kotaku to taky trha: "Rather than tapping into the goofy core that makes a game like World of Warcraft interesting, the Warcraft movie aims for grittiness, missing the mark quite a bit. It just doesn’t work. The lore is too campy. This is a world where a mage’s most popular spell transforms his enemies into sheep, yet Warcraft acts as if it’s a green-screen version of Game of Thrones. At my theater, the biggest laughs came not from the occasional bouts of slapstick comedy but from the miserable archmages of Dalaran, whose CGI-enhanced eyes look especially absurd when you’re supposed to take them seriously."
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Mozno to iba dali recenzovat miestnej Spacilovej :D
Mozno to iba dali recenzovat miestnej Spacilovej *:D*
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Zadne prekvapeni. Ale predprodeje v Cine monstrozni, pokud to nebude mit priserne WOM, tak tam Warcraft utoci na 400M. Samozrejme... spousta mizerneho cgi, co nejvice barvicek a drevene herectvi, to presne odpovida jejich nevkusu ze.
Zadne prekvapeni. Ale predprodeje v Cine monstrozni, pokud to nebude mit priserne WOM, tak tam Warcraft utoci na 400M. Samozrejme... spousta mizerneho cgi, co nejvice barvicek a drevene herectvi, to presne odpovida jejich nevkusu ze.
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"The final product brings to mind those animated advertisements for iPhone app games."
"The final product brings to mind those animated advertisements for iPhone app games."
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Do riti, uz nezostava nic ine, len sa smiat. :D
Do riti, uz nezostava nic ine, len sa smiat. *:D*
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Oh no... :D díky THR ale pořád ještě žije malá naděje. Tenhle thread ale za chvíli vybouchne :D
Oh no... *:D* díky THR ale pořád ještě žije malá naděje. Tenhle thread ale za chvíli vybouchne *:D*
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“Warcraft” promises, or threatens, sequels, but then so did “Super Mario Bros.” And come to think of it, if forced to watch either of these video-game movies a second time, I’d probably vote for the plumbers.

(Jo, furt citujeme tu samou recenzi ( link ), třeba se jinde budou dít zázraky :) )
“Warcraft” promises, or threatens, sequels, but then so did “Super Mario Bros.” And come to think of it, if forced to watch either of these video-game movies a second time, I’d probably vote for the plumbers. (Jo, furt citujeme tu samou recenzi ( http://www.thewrap.com/warcraft-review-swords-sorcery-and-stupidity-abound-in-game-adaptation/ ), třeba se jinde budou dít zázraky *:)* )
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Sword, sorcery and stupidity... :D
Sword, sorcery and stupidity... *:D*
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"Imagine Battlefield Earth without the verve, or the unintentional comedy."

No ty voe :D
"Imagine Battlefield Earth without the verve, or the unintentional comedy." No ty voe *:D*
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A ako si čítam ďalšie, tak Variety sú na ten film ešte milí. :o
A ako si čítam ďalšie, tak Variety sú na ten film ešte milí. *:o*
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Hollywood's habit of turning hit videogames into unwatchable movies continues unabated.

Zdrvujúca recenzia na Variety.
Hollywood's habit of turning hit videogames into unwatchable movies continues unabated. Zdrvujúca recenzia na Variety.
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20 dní embargo? :o
20 dní embargo? *:o*
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Americké embargo do 30. května, premiéra v Německu, Francii a x dalších zemích 25. května LOL
Americké embargo do 30. května, premiéra v Německu, Francii a x dalších zemích 25. května LOL
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Uz dneska je prvni projekce pro novinare, ale nenasel jsem zadne info k embargu.
Uz dneska je prvni projekce pro novinare, ale nenasel jsem zadne info k embargu.
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