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Diskuze k filmu Grace, kněžna monacká

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"This national catastrophe happens just as Princess Grace is beginning to suffer something of a midlife crisis, so she steps up to the plate to lead the fightback – at which point the film starts to resemble a kind of Batman Begins for gay men (there’s even an Alfred figure), with a dash of Mission: Impossible for 13 year-old girls thrown in. Grace, aided by avuncular priest Tucker (Frank Langella), realises that she must channel her inner queen in order to save all 0.78 square miles of her kingdom."

:D:+ link
"This national catastrophe happens just as Princess Grace is beginning to suffer something of a midlife crisis, so she steps up to the plate to lead the fightback – at which point the film starts to resemble a kind of Batman Begins for gay men (there’s even an Alfred figure), with a dash of Mission: Impossible for 13 year-old girls thrown in. Grace, aided by avuncular priest Tucker (Frank Langella), realises that she must channel her inner queen in order to save all 0.78 square miles of her kingdom." *:D**:+* http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=41025
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