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Diskuze k filmu Total Recall

příspěvky 1 - 14 Napsat příspěvek
Někde určitě, ale v kinech bych řekl to nebude.
Někde určitě, ale v kinech bych řekl to nebude.
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Das Joker

To je milé, bude se v tom aj promítat?
To je milé, bude se v tom aj promítat?
Das Joker
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Action scenes in this was shot in 48FPS with RED EPIC cameras.
Action scenes in this was shot in 48FPS with RED EPIC cameras.
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Tak nový trailer vypada zajímavě :+
Tak nový trailer vypada zajímavě *:+*
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Už jsem to smazal. Nemám zájem o bagr. :D
Už jsem to smazal. Nemám zájem o bagr. *:D*
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Mensi info o uchopeni teto verze:

"Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) lives in New Asia with his wife, Lori
(Kate Beckinsale) , but is a factory worker in the United Federation of
Britain, located on the rival superpower Euroamerica. To get there,
Quaid takes a 60- stories elevator that transports hundreds of people
back and fort through the two superpowers using a series of tunnels
that cross the center of the Earth.
Later on, Quaid and Melina (Jessica Biel) become involved in a Zero-
Gravity action scene taking place at the same elevator, when they
become fugitives following the reveal that Quaid is a spy. At first, it
appears that he's infiltrated in Euroamerica by the government of
New Asia, but things are not what they seem."
Mensi info o uchopeni teto verze: "Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) lives in New Asia with his wife, Lori (Kate Beckinsale) , but is a factory worker in the United Federation of Britain, located on the rival superpower Euroamerica. To get there, Quaid takes a 60- stories elevator that transports hundreds of people back and fort through the two superpowers using a series of tunnels that cross the center of the Earth. Later on, Quaid and Melina (Jessica Biel) become involved in a Zero- Gravity action scene taking place at the same elevator, when they become fugitives following the reveal that Quaid is a spy. At first, it appears that he's infiltrated in Euroamerica by the government of New Asia, but things are not what they seem."
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Chudák Wiseman, zase PG-13 :D ... ... ... :-?)
Chudák Wiseman, zase PG-13 *:D* ... ... ... *:-**?)*
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uplna zbytocnost, remaky, prequely, pokracovania, restarty ... uz je to ubohe. A este to daju hentomu neschopovi co robil Underworld seriu, hanba im:-
uplna zbytocnost, remaky, prequely, pokracovania, restarty ... uz je to ubohe. A este to daju hentomu neschopovi co robil Underworld seriu, hanba im*:-*
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stormtroopers ?? :-))
mohli přijít s originálnějšíma uniformama
stormtroopers ?? :-)) mohli přijít s originálnějšíma uniformama
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Mě bohatě stačí původní film i dneska. Tohle je naprosto zbytečný remake. Už by filmaři konečně měli začít natáčet něco originálního:-.
Mě bohatě stačí původní film i dneska. Tohle je naprosto zbytečný remake. Už by filmaři konečně měli začít natáčet něco originálního*:-*.
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New Shanghai? At zije rozvijejici se asijsky trh :D:-:-
New Shanghai? At zije rozvijejici se asijsky trh *:D**:-**:-*
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Bullshit! :-
Bullshit! *:-*
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minule som sa dostal k povodnej poviedke, a ak bude film co len o trochu lepsi ako predloha, tka nemam obavy. poviedka je totiz riadne "over the top"
minule som sa dostal k povodnej poviedke, a ak bude film co len o trochu lepsi ako predloha, tka nemam obavy. poviedka je totiz riadne "over the top"
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Buh neni... :(
Buh neni... :(
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