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Nepravděpodobné? Snad už dávno zcela jisté, ne? :)

Tak :D
Nepravděpodobné? Snad už dávno zcela jisté, ne? *:)* [b]KarelR[/b] Tak *:D*
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Ještě aby byl, když točí veskrze průměrný filmy.

... let the flame wars begin! :D
Ještě aby byl, když točí veskrze průměrný filmy. ... let the flame wars begin! *:D*
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Co se rottentomatoes a Snydera týče, tak se stačí podívat na hodnocení jeho filmů. Ten tam moc oblíbenej není.
Co se rottentomatoes a Snydera týče, tak se stačí podívat na hodnocení jeho filmů. Ten tam moc oblíbenej není.
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Úhatlá ma fazír ek johi-ná ek mozamir an hatla duri mi en bablik meheda tu MoS sovik enehh-yl od nejmenovaného člena štábu, takže je to pravda, Nolan, Nenolan.
Úhatlá ma fazír ek johi-ná ek mozamir an hatla [spoiler] duri mi en bablik meheda tu MoS sovik enehh-yl [/spoiler] od nejmenovaného člena štábu, takže je to pravda, Nolan, Nenolan.
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Karel: Počítám, že režisér a scenárista by toho mohli vědět více než herec. ;) Ale v podstatě platí, co se tvrdilo: Bude to pecka - Nolan, bude to průser - Snyder. ;)
Karel: Počítám, že režisér a scenárista by toho mohli vědět více než herec. ;) Ale v podstatě platí, co se tvrdilo: Bude to pecka - Nolan, bude to průser - Snyder. ;)
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Goyer: “Chris (Nolan) and I were working on The Dark Knight Rises, working on the story; we were blocked. We agreed to part ways for a couple of weeks and just see if something had bubbled at the surface. So I went back to my home office. I was wasting time and procrastinating and took out an archive edition of some of the original Superman comic books, Action comic books and started rereading them because I couldn’t figure out this plot point on Dark Knight Rises, I just randomly sat down one afternoon and wrote up some ideas for Superman

When I met with Chris Nolan again in another week or so he said, “Have you worked out the problem on the Dark Knight Rises?” I said, “No,” he said, “What have you been doing?” and I said, “Well, I had this idea for Superman,” and because Chris likes to procrastinate as well he said “let’s hear it,” so I told him. And he literally called Jeff Robinov, who’s the head of Warner Bros, while I was sitting there and said, “Jeff, Dave just told me this take on Superman and you need to hear it, I’d like to produce it. Can we come in?” And we went in the next day. That’s how it happened. No, we weren’t trying to do it, it just happened.”
Goyer: “Chris (Nolan) and I were working on The Dark Knight Rises, working on the story; we were blocked. We agreed to part ways for a couple of weeks and just see if something had bubbled at the surface. So I went back to my home office. I was wasting time and procrastinating and took out an archive edition of some of the original Superman comic books, Action comic books and started rereading them because I couldn’t figure out this plot point on Dark Knight Rises, I just randomly sat down one afternoon and wrote up some ideas for Superman When I met with Chris Nolan again in another week or so he said, “Have you worked out the problem on the Dark Knight Rises?” I said, “No,” he said, “What have you been doing?” and I said, “Well, I had this idea for Superman,” and because Chris likes to procrastinate as well he said “let’s hear it,” so I told him. And he literally called Jeff Robinov, who’s the head of Warner Bros, while I was sitting there and said, “Jeff, Dave just told me this take on Superman and you need to hear it, I’d like to produce it. Can we come in?” And we went in the next day. That’s how it happened. No, we weren’t trying to do it, it just happened.”
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The Joker


A to že x lidí ze štábu včetně Cavilla prohlásilo, že byl Chris akorát párkrát na place a vyměnil si se Snyderem několik telefonátů, to jako nic? Před časem jsem ti to sem dával v několika odkazech a jakoby omylem jsi na to nereagoval, což mi bylo líto a dost jsem to obrečel.
*:D* A to že x lidí ze štábu včetně Cavilla prohlásilo, že byl Chris akorát párkrát na place a vyměnil si se Snyderem několik telefonátů, to jako nic? Před časem jsem ti to sem dával v několika odkazech a jakoby omylem jsi na to nereagoval, což mi bylo líto a dost jsem to obrečel.
The Joker
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The Joker

Cavill: “Chris Nolan wasn’t there during the production itself, although I’m not sure how much work was done behind the scenes. I’m sure Zack had a phone call or two with him, but this is definitely Zack’s baby. He was the man in charge, and we created the character together, as opposed to having too many outside influences.”
Cavill: “Chris Nolan wasn’t there during the production itself, although I’m not sure how much work was done behind the scenes. I’m sure Zack had a phone call or two with him, but this is definitely Zack’s baby. He was the man in charge, and we created the character together, as opposed to having too many outside influences.”
The Joker
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Sa zasmejem, keď bude Wolverine lepší film. :D Ja viem, nepravdepodobné... ale bola by to sranda.
Sa zasmejem, keď bude Wolverine lepší film. *:D* Ja viem, nepravdepodobné... ale bola by to sranda.
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"You can’t have a Superman that is battling cultural morality. You need a Superman that has built in sort of values. I think that him growing up in Kansas and that whole part of him is very… I always remember everyone saying like, “You’re not going to show him growing up in Kansas, are you?” I’m like, “Why make Superman? Why jump the most…” To understand him, you have to understand the why of him. By the way, I’ll say the first scene that Chris pitched me was a scene that was about his childhood. It had nothing to do with like, smashing shit or anything like that, which is cool. But, it was very much a character childhood character moment that made me say, “Okay, that’s different.” It’s a different point of view of Superman that made me go, “Yeah, that grown-up version of that guy is interesting to me.”

"From that point onward, Chris and I then started doing what we do on the Batman films. We use index cards for the movie. So that’s about a two-month process. Chris and I do really extensive index cards and we meet usually three times a week and we just do board after board after board of index cards where Chris and I beat everything out."

"I mean, look, Zack — I don’t know the exact percentage. I mean, it was a pretty holistic experience. I mean, first it was me and Chris and then it’s been me, Chris, and Zack, but I’ll be honest, I thought once Chris started shooting The Dark Knight Rises, that that would be the last we’d heard of Chris until they wrapped. But, I’ve been on the phone with Chris a shocking amount given the fact that he’s shooting that other movie. I mean, sometimes a couple of times a week he’ll be on the set talking to me. He’s very much continues to be involved almost on a daily basis, much to his dismay. I mean, because it’s killing him. He’ll be relieved when that movie stops filming. But, it’s changed, but no character stuff came out when Zack got involved."

"No, no, there was a lot of action in the version that Chris and I did. I mean, we wanted there to be a lot of action."
"You can’t have a Superman that is battling cultural morality. You need a Superman that has built in sort of values. I think that him growing up in Kansas and that whole part of him is very… I always remember everyone saying like, “You’re not going to show him growing up in Kansas, are you?” I’m like, “Why make Superman? Why jump the most…” To understand him, you have to understand the why of him. By the way, I’ll say the first scene that Chris pitched me was a scene that was about his childhood. It had nothing to do with like, smashing shit or anything like that, which is cool. But, it was very much a character childhood character moment that made me say, “Okay, that’s different.” It’s a different point of view of Superman that made me go, “Yeah, that grown-up version of that guy is interesting to me.” "From that point onward, Chris and I then started doing what we do on the Batman films. We use index cards for the movie. So that’s about a two-month process. Chris and I do really extensive index cards and we meet usually three times a week and we just do board after board after board of index cards where Chris and I beat everything out." "I mean, look, Zack — I don’t know the exact percentage. I mean, it was a pretty holistic experience. I mean, first it was me and Chris and then it’s been me, Chris, and Zack, but I’ll be honest, I thought once Chris started shooting The Dark Knight Rises, that that would be the last we’d heard of Chris until they wrapped. But, I’ve been on the phone with Chris a shocking amount given the fact that he’s shooting that other movie. I mean, sometimes a couple of times a week he’ll be on the set talking to me. He’s very much continues to be involved almost on a daily basis, much to his dismay. I mean, because it’s killing him. He’ll be relieved when that movie stops filming. But, it’s changed, but no character stuff came out when Zack got involved." "No, no, there was a lot of action in the version that Chris and I did. I mean, we wanted there to be a lot of action."
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Z těch výňatků na RT jsem měl pocit spíš o opaku...
Z těch výňatků na RT jsem měl pocit spíš o opaku...
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TonyCIifton: Nolan měl pod palcem kulový, akorát tomu dodal zelenou a základní nápad (a i ten spíš jenom odkejval Goyerovi). Říkalo se to x-krát, ale holt se vrazí jméno do traileru a lidi to dál neřešej. Smutný ?)

link :)
TonyCIifton: Nolan měl pod palcem kulový, akorát tomu dodal zelenou a základní nápad (a i ten spíš jenom odkejval Goyerovi). Říkalo se to x-krát, ale holt se vrazí jméno do traileru a lidi to dál neřešej. Smutný *?)* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeWpCJruFlw :)
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A přitom to měl Nolan tak pod palcem :o
A přitom to měl Nolan tak pod palcem *:o*
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Karel: Patrně to skončí na RT blíž ke Green Lanternovi než Batman Begins. :o
Karel: Patrně to skončí na RT blíž ke Green Lanternovi než Batman Begins. *:o*
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Ako pozerám, často tomu vytýkajú, že Cavill je totálne drevo. No to je teda prekvapenie.
Ako pozerám, často tomu vytýkajú, že Cavill je totálne drevo. No to je teda prekvapenie.
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Už den před premiérou to má horší recenze než Superman Returns? Nechci bejt zlej, ale... muhehehehe :D
Už den před premiérou to má horší recenze než Superman Returns? Nechci bejt zlej, ale... muhehehehe *:D*
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Že jsem člověk?
Že jsem člověk?
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Ďalší fakt, ktorý sme o tebe nechceli vedieť, Tony.
Ďalší fakt, ktorý sme o tebe nechceli vedieť, Tony.
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Zvláštní, člověk by čekal, že na Filipínách budou mít rekordní otvírák Transky.
Zvláštní, člověk by čekal, že na Filipínách budou mít rekordní otvírák Transky.
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Nejsem sice BO geek, tak nevim, jestli je to nejaky podstatny udaj, nicmene naFilipinach mel MoS rekordni otvirak.
Nejsem sice BO geek, tak nevim, jestli je to nejaky podstatny udaj, nicmene na[link="http://www.starmometer.com/2013/06/13/man-of-steel-breaks-all-time-first-day-record-in-phl-with-p69-52-m/"]Filipinach[/link] mel MoS rekordni otvirak.
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