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Diskuze k filmu Wonder Woman 1984

příspěvky 1 - 12 Napsat příspěvek
reaguje na: Karbunkule
To je na zaklade ceho? Dle samotne Evropske unie si kazdy desaty obcan EU stahnul Justice League: link
To je na zaklade ceho? Dle samotne Evropske unie si kazdy desaty obcan EU stahnul Justice League: https://www.google.com/amp/s/torrentfreak.com/eu-research-unveils-most-pirated-movies-tv-shows-and-music-201208/amp/
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reaguje na: crimson_moon
V USA a na Západě se nestahuje vůbec v takové míře jako jsme zvyklí u nás (i kvůli pevnější legislativě). Jistě v případě většího ohrožení přitvrdí.
V USA a na Západě se nestahuje vůbec v takové míře jako jsme zvyklí u nás (i kvůli pevnější legislativě). Jistě v případě většího ohrožení přitvrdí.
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reagují: The Joker
Pokud budou fungovat vakciny a bude jich dost, tak imo to Warneri dotahnou maximalne do Suicide Squad. Jinak ty filmy musi nabidnout na streamu vsude hned, neni prece americky internet a internet vsech ostatnich.
Pokud budou fungovat vakciny a bude jich dost, tak imo to Warneri dotahnou maximalne do Suicide Squad. Jinak ty filmy musi nabidnout na streamu vsude hned, neni prece americky internet a internet vsech ostatnich.
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Wonder Woman 1984 2020 HMAX IMAX 2160p HDR WEB-DL H265 Atmos-EVO

uvidime jak dlouho budou studia tyhle piratske 0day releasy bavit
uvidime jak dlouho budou studia tyhle piratske 0day releasy bavit
Wonder Woman 1984 2020 HMAX IMAX 2160p HDR WEB-DL H265 Atmos-EVO
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reagují: Karbunkule
První trailer 8. prosince na CCXP19.
První trailer 8. prosince na CCXP19.
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To stejné nikomu nevadí 8):D
To stejné nikomu nevadí *8)**:D*
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reaguje na: Arbiter
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Odloženo na červen 2020:D
Odloženo na červen 2020*:D*
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reagují: gaboo
reaguje na: TedGeorge
Zimmer robí hudbu aj k X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Čiže tých "amazing scripts" sa evidentne vyrojilo. :))
Zimmer robí hudbu aj k X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Čiže tých "amazing scripts" sa evidentne vyrojilo. *:))*
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reaguje na: Dosty45


"You said last year that you were retiring from scoring superhero movies. How’s that going, and why did you decide to do it?

Well the retirement is going pretty well because I’m not doing a superhero
movie; I’m working on something completely different with Chris Nolan.
I’m also going on tour because all my musician friends said to me, “Time
to stop hiding behind the screen. Time to actually look the audience in
the eye. Time to do things in real time.”

I keep thinking about new styles of music and new ways of using
technology, new ways of figuring out how to make everything that we do
an experience for other people. And I just couldn’t do it anymore with
the superhero movies, it’s as simple as that. If you take the three
Chris Nolan Batmans, that’s three movies to you, but to you and Chris,
it was 12 years of our lives. So sometimes you just have to say, “I
don’t know where I’m heading, but I’m going to jump off this cliff.” As
soon as I said it, there were a lot of phone calls coming my way going,
“Are you crazy?” But I’ve never written music for money; money isn’t
inspiring. And I didn’t want to get into it where it became a job.

Ron Howard actually said something very smart to me. He said, “Don’t say
you will never do a superhero movie again. Wait for somebody to turn up
with an amazing script for a superhero movie.” And I suppose that’s what
I’m saying: Can I please have the amazing script?

It just did my brain in to have written Christian Bale as Batman, and suddenly it’s Ben Affleck [in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice]. And it felt like I was betraying everything Christian had done. So
there’s a certain amount of loyalty attached to those movies, as well.
"[b]You said last year that you were [url=http://variety.com/2016/film/news/batman-v-superman-hans-zimmer-retires-superhero-movies-1201742042/]retiring from scoring superhero movies[/url]. How’s that going, and why did you decide to do it?[/b] Well the retirement is going pretty well because I’m not doing a superhero movie; I’m working on something completely different with Chris Nolan. I’m also going on tour because all my musician friends said to me, “Time to stop hiding behind the screen. Time to actually look the audience in the eye. Time to do things in real time.” I keep thinking about new styles of music and new ways of using technology, new ways of figuring out how to make everything that we do an experience for other people. And I just couldn’t do it anymore with the superhero movies, it’s as simple as that. If you take the three Chris Nolan Batmans, that’s three movies to you, but to you and Chris, it was 12 years of our lives. So sometimes you just have to say, “I don’t know where I’m heading, but I’m going to jump off this cliff.” As soon as I said it, there were a lot of phone calls coming my way going, “Are you crazy?” But I’ve never written music for money; money isn’t inspiring. And I didn’t want to get into it where it became a job. Ron Howard actually said something very smart to me. He said, “Don’t say you will never do a superhero movie again. Wait for somebody to turn up with an amazing script for a superhero movie.” And I suppose that’s what I’m saying: Can I please have the amazing script? It just did my brain in to have written Christian Bale as Batman, and suddenly it’s Ben Affleck [in [i]Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice[/i]]. And it felt like I was betraying everything Christian had done. So there’s a certain amount of loyalty attached to those movies, as well.
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reagují: Randal K.
Hans Zimmer složí hudbu k sólovce Wonder Woman 1984
Hans Zimmer složí hudbu k sólovce Wonder Woman 1984
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reagují: TedGeorge
[url=https://i.imgur.com/4bISkOC.jpg]Henry Cavill potvrzen[/url]
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