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Diskuze k filmu Hobit: Šmakova dračí poušť

příspěvky 21 - 40 Napsat příspěvek


Opravdu, po 10 hodnoceních ?
Opravdu, po 10 hodnoceních ?
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Ještě že se nejčastěji shoduji s Empirem, který tomu flákl 5* (a to moc snímků letos nedostalo) taaaakže 8) půlnoční premiéra už čeká :+
Ještě že se nejčastěji shoduji s Empirem, který tomu flákl 5* (a to moc snímků letos nedostalo) taaaakže *8)* půlnoční premiéra už čeká *:+*
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Priemerné hodnotenie 5,8 na rottenoch hovorí o niečom inom :P
Priemerné hodnotenie 5,8 na rottenoch hovorí o niečom inom :P
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Prvé recenzie

Vyzerá to tak, že hateri a skeptici môžu zaliezť. Ďalšia miliarda na konte.
[link="http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=91155"]Prvé recenzie[/link] Vyzerá to tak, že hateri a skeptici môžu zaliezť. Ďalšia miliarda na konte.
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První reakce kritiků zatím lepší, než v připadě prvního dílu. :+
První reakce kritiků zatím lepší, než v připadě prvního dílu. *:+*
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Celkom sa mi tá pesnička dostáva pod kožu...
Celkom sa mi tá pesnička dostáva pod kožu...
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Imho to vůbec nezní špatně... :) May It Be a Gollum's Song jsou někde jinde, ale rozhodně to není výrazně horší, než ten zbytek, a třeba daleko lepší, než co dává Cameron na konec svých filmů. :D
Imho to vůbec nezní špatně... *:)* May It Be a Gollum's Song jsou někde jinde, ale rozhodně to není výrazně horší, než ten zbytek, a třeba daleko lepší, než co dává Cameron na konec svých filmů. *:D*
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hm, tak ten song je opravdu hrůza! těšil jsem se, že si udělám minisoundtrack z "credit songs" Hobbit+LOTR, ale s tímhle materiálem to nebudu chtít poslouchat :-)
hm, tak ten song je opravdu hrůza! těšil jsem se, že si udělám minisoundtrack z "credit songs" Hobbit+LOTR, ale s tímhle materiálem to nebudu chtít poslouchat :-)
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Souhlas, slaďárna pro holky ve věku 10-14 let. :-
Souhlas, slaďárna pro holky ve věku 10-14 let. *:-*
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Ten song je strašne lame :-:( Zlatý Neil Finn.
Ten song je strašne lame *:-**:(* Zlatý Neil Finn.
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Peterovo povídání o titulkovým songu pro DoS. Tak nějak je teď ještě těžší, vydržet do kina...

We have a tradition in our Tolkien films of having a song over the closing credits. It's very important that the song feels right for the world of the movie - and also carries the emotional resonance of the end of that particular film.

The Desolation of Smaug is no different. The ending of this film requires a voice and sensibility that will allow an viewer to process what they have just experienced.

It's always tricky to think of the right person to create and performance these songs. Someone who shares our passion for Tolkien, and somebody who is prepared to respect the film.

This year we are thrilled to have Ed Sheeran write and perform our closing song, "I See Fire".

My daughter Katie, deserves total credit for bringing Ed to our movie. He was touring New Zealand earlier this year, and Katie introduced me to his music. Beautiful haunting songs, full of passion and coming from a very genuine place in his heart.

We heard that Ed was a fan of our movies, so while he was playing in Wellington, we invited him around for a tour.

He then headed off to join Taylor Swift on a concert tour. But we had exchanged e-mail addresses.

A few weeks ago, we were puzzling about who to approach about the song that had to be written and recorded very quickly. We now had a strong feeling about the tone of the song, but we needed to find the right voice.

Katie reminded us about how great Ed's voice was, and how right it would be. Fran and I got it the second she mentioned it.

And I had his e-mail address.

I wrote to him on a Sunday morning, and asked if he was interested. He would need to fly down to NZ to see the movie, because it was critical he write from the perspective of the audience.

Within 48hrs he was in Wellington, having immediately jumped on a plane from London with his manager Stuart Camp, who was instantly supportive and helpful.

Ed watched the movie at Park Road Post, immediately went into a room, and started writing and singing. Much of what you will hear on this song was recorded that same day, with a few overdubs and tweaks the following day.

Despite having never played the violin in his life, Ed thought he might try overdubbing one himself, and Katie raced out to borrow a rather battered one from a school friend.

Pete Cobbin from Abbey Road was at Park Road mixing Howard's musical score, and was able to mix the song with Ed.

It was a great experience, and what you will see in this video are moments captured by our behind the scenes team during the creation of the song.

But the images are only supporting Ed's wonderful song. This is his direct emotional response to seeing The Desolation of Smaug, written and performed on the same day he saw the movie.

I am very proud to present "I See Fire”.

[Available for pre-order on iTunes at: link
Peterovo povídání o titulkovým songu pro DoS. Tak nějak je teď ještě těžší, vydržet do kina... We have a tradition in our Tolkien films of having a song over the closing credits. It's very important that the song feels right for the world of the movie - and also carries the emotional resonance of the end of that particular film. The Desolation of Smaug is no different. The ending of this film requires a voice and sensibility that will allow an viewer to process what they have just experienced. It's always tricky to think of the right person to create and performance these songs. Someone who shares our passion for Tolkien, and somebody who is prepared to respect the film. This year we are thrilled to have Ed Sheeran write and perform our closing song, "I See Fire". My daughter Katie, deserves total credit for bringing Ed to our movie. He was touring New Zealand earlier this year, and Katie introduced me to his music. Beautiful haunting songs, full of passion and coming from a very genuine place in his heart. We heard that Ed was a fan of our movies, so while he was playing in Wellington, we invited him around for a tour. He then headed off to join Taylor Swift on a concert tour. But we had exchanged e-mail addresses. A few weeks ago, we were puzzling about who to approach about the song that had to be written and recorded very quickly. We now had a strong feeling about the tone of the song, but we needed to find the right voice. Katie reminded us about how great Ed's voice was, and how right it would be. Fran and I got it the second she mentioned it. And I had his e-mail address. I wrote to him on a Sunday morning, and asked if he was interested. He would need to fly down to NZ to see the movie, because it was critical he write from the perspective of the audience. Within 48hrs he was in Wellington, having immediately jumped on a plane from London with his manager Stuart Camp, who was instantly supportive and helpful. Ed watched the movie at Park Road Post, immediately went into a room, and started writing and singing. Much of what you will hear on this song was recorded that same day, with a few overdubs and tweaks the following day. Despite having never played the violin in his life, Ed thought he might try overdubbing one himself, and Katie raced out to borrow a rather battered one from a school friend. Pete Cobbin from Abbey Road was at Park Road mixing Howard's musical score, and was able to mix the song with Ed. It was a great experience, and what you will see in this video are moments captured by our behind the scenes team during the creation of the song. But the images are only supporting Ed's wonderful song. This is his direct emotional response to seeing The Desolation of Smaug, written and performed on the same day he saw the movie. I am very proud to present "I See Fire”. [Available for pre-order on iTunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/cz/artist/howard-shore/id2898817?affId=2224083&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
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link ;) + novej videoblog: link
http://film.moviezone.cz/hobit-smakova-draci-poust/trailery/ *;)* + novej videoblog: http://www.moviezone.cz/clanek/25192-hobiti-videodenik-12-legolas-je-porad-borec/
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Myslím, že ten trailer zrovna Karel nahazuje. Jako řemeslo dobrý, ale ta jednička pořád hrozně bolí. Do kina mě to furt nenalákalo...
Myslím, že ten trailer zrovna Karel nahazuje. Jako řemeslo dobrý, ale ta jednička pořád hrozně bolí. Do kina mě to furt nenalákalo...
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Tlachání mě nezajímalo, to ostatní - videodeník, klip a nový trailer - jsou dobrý :+
Tlachání mě nezajímalo, to ostatní - videodeník, klip a nový trailer - jsou dobrý *:+*
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Je sympatický, že to neroztáhli přes hodinu a supernadšená Evangeliny Lilly docela rulovala :)
Je sympatický, že to neroztáhli přes hodinu a supernadšená Evangeliny Lilly docela rulovala :)
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JJ, jednou za čas se pokusím.
JJ, jednou za čas se pokusím.
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A co tam s těma obrama bude Jackson dělat?
A co tam s těma obrama bude Jackson dělat?
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Photoshop Bilba na plakátě se krutě nepovedl. :D
Photoshop Bilba na plakátě se krutě nepovedl. *:D*
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Už sa vie, kto zloží a naspieva záverečný song?
Už sa vie, kto zloží a naspieva záverečný song?
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