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Diskuze k filmu Avatar: Fire and Ash

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Ale zas říká, že stíhaj:

It’s in strong shape, I think,” he says, comparing it to the process on The Way Of Water. “We’ve doubled the number of shots finished at this stage of the game than we had on movie two [and] the films are about equal length. So that
puts us well ahead of the curve, which is something I’ve never,
frankly, experienced before.” The process is, he laughs, “a little bit
less nightmarish. We’re getting to the point where we’re actually
getting good at this.” Frankly, we’d say he was already pretty good.
Ale zas říká, že stíhaj: [i]It’s in strong shape, I think,” he says, comparing it to the process on The Way Of Water. “We’ve doubled the number of shots finished at this stage of the game than we had on movie two [and] the films are about equal length. So that puts us well ahead of the curve, which is something I’ve never, frankly, experienced before.” The process is, he laughs, “a little bit less nightmarish. We’re getting to the point where we’re actually getting good at this.” Frankly, we’d say he was already pretty good.[/i]
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Concept art nie fotky z filmu:)
Inak film dotocil len pred vianocami takze ma tento rok co robit aby to cele zbuchal dohromady 
Concept art nie fotky z filmu:) Inak film dotocil len pred vianocami takze ma tento rok co robit aby to cele zbuchal dohromady 
1 0
reagují: the dark knight
Vzpomněl jsem si na Nope.
Vzpomněl jsem si na Nope.
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